Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Overview of Our Journey thus far.

Tim can fill the gaps when he feels up to it. I'll make a start.
Monday 9th Feb: Whistler, Canada. Tim says the most awesome powder snowboarding day ever, visiting his cousie Lucy.
Tuesday 10th Feb: A very bad fall half way through the day, after he approached a jump on Blackcomb too fast. Tim was taken by sled down the mountain to Whistler Medical Centre, then helicopter to Vancouver General Hospital. I had some messages on my home landline to phone Canada. I managed to get hold of the emergency dept social worker who put Tim on the phone. He told Phil and I that he couldn't move.

I cancelled the next four weeks of work and flew 9 hours later, on a direct flight to be with Tim. And I made contact with Penny, a nursing friend I met 30 years ago in NZ who lives in Vancouver. She met me at the airport and took me to the spinal unit. Lucy was there with Tim and Josh (Tims Otago uni flatmate and travelling friend) arrived to visit, enroute back to NZ. Tim was supposed to be travelling home with him.

Viv's practice session ...

Oops my last message should have been a new post, not a comment. Still learning. See if I can manage a photo or two for you.
Dunn family - cousins Chris, Lucy, Sarah, Uncle Geoff, Phil, Aunty Janet, me and of course the star!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Friday, June 26, 2009

Tims new blog

Tims cousin Chris has just arrived from Brisbane and got this started for us. I'll keep this updated regularly for you. Look forward to hearing you all too. V x