Alot has happened since my last operation. My triceps have been exceeding expectations, not only of my own but of my Burwood therapy team as well. Being a grade 4 means I can not only lift against gravity but push a couple of pounds above my head even with my weak arm. Since getting back to Hamlton in October 2010 I've moved into my new pad and settle into a very comfortable routine.
For Christmas most of mums side of the family made it to my uncles house at the Mount. It was an extreme amount of fun. Next on my calender was the privileged event of being invited to Kate and Chris Gilmores wedding. Other than a simplistic New Years celebration in Hamilton with my friend B-rad and Co, and a very successful trip to Auckland for cuz Nickys 21st, not much has been happening up until last week.
On the 17th Jan I arrived at Burwood for a weeks driving and hand surgery. The driving went better than I thought and after 5 lessons I was driving for completely independently. So here's hoping a car won't be too far away.
Then on the 25th there was a terrible series of events. I'm not sure but I think about 3 or 4 guys knocked me out and then stabbed me. It would have been a couple of hours before I woke up only to find myself in hospital with multiple lacerations to my forearms. I'm guessing I was trying to defend myself but I don't remember anything. I've been back home since 31st but am going back down to Burwood on 20th Feb to get both casts off. Then returning to Hamilton after 10 days of hand Physio.
Turns out the attackers were actually surgeons trying to make my thumbs and right wrist work.
So that's all for now. And if all goes according to plan, I'll start my Masters in Psyc afew days before I leave Burwood. Yesterday was 2 years since my injury, and I'm looking forward to progress over this coming third year.