Can't fit in the door, so we went outside (9pm!) and through the larger door from the courtyard.
9 days like this
Over 3 days his arms are lowered to his sides
Tims loving spinal unit cat Alfie on his bed!
Day 10 post op, last dressings are removed, arms washed and
physio picks up pace.
Hi Everyone,
I arrived at Burwood on the 8th ready to have surgery on the 10th of this month. I enjoyed socialising with Chris and Kate (Gilmore-ish) in my last moments of freedom before my surgery.
I've been here for 14 days and everythings going well. For my surgery they surgically separated my posterior deltoid and tied it to my paralysed tricep with part of my hamstring. I was in the crucifix position for 9 days. Now my arms are still completely straight, but are by my side, meaning I can mobilise in my motorchair.
Its hard getting reused to being SO dependent on everyone elses help, for things such as scratching, eating, grooming and all computer work. I now know what it must be like to be paralysed from the neck down (C2) - not cool. Its been pretty painful so far but the longterm rewards are going to be awesome.
On Monday they will bend my arms by 15 degrees and will continue to do so weekly for the following 7 weeks up until 90 degrees, at which point the splints will be taken off. I've already briefly felt the effects of my triceps and being able to extend my elbow again is beyond incredible.
I will continue to rehab here for another 4 weeks till the start of November to make full use of my arms. My end goals will be to relieve pressure from my bum independently and transfer myself from chair to bed / car / rugby chair as independently as possible. This troid surgery will also be very beneficial for things like reaching, dressing and punching. I still need more tendon transfer surgery early next year, to develop my right wrist and thumbs.
I'm in here with another C5 friend Guy, with the same surgery a month down the track. Its motivating seeing the improvements he's making.
Its been awesome having Rettykins and Georgyina visit two days after my surgery, Cassinova and Rosco with chocolate fish flowers and thai. I appreciate their diligence holding a bowl under my chin, while I was trying to chuck - from pain relief side effects.
Thanks for all your messages. Sorry I haven't been able to reply to many. Good to receive them anyway.
Bye for now